Saturday, October 16, 2010

10 Stylish Rules to Live By

Check out these rules every fashionista should follow. Every fashionista should know what fits the body, how to put pieces together and how to present yourself. Part of being confident is feeling good in your skin.
RULE 1: Look in the mirror and say to yourself everyday "I love you". Please don't let yourself become cocky. Its good to be reminded of our strengths and weaknesses on a daily basis. Its also pro-active to remind ourselves what needs work in our lives. RULE 2: Surround yourself with a great group of friends. That is right! Get rid of people who don't add value to your life, in the long run, it's worth it.
RULE 3: Edit your closet each season. It is always good to donate the clothing that can be refused and rid yourself of items that are falling apart. Its helps refresh your wardrobe and makes you aware of the key pieces you need to purchase for that season.
RULE 4: Say please and thank you, hold the door for the person behind you and don't forget to hand write a thank you note when its appropriate. Why do all of these things? Because having good manners never goes out of style.
RULE 5: Find a good tailor in your area and utilize them. I dont care what you pay for an article of clothing. Its isn't going to look great if it isn't tailored for your body. It's money well spent when you realize how uniquely different you look.
RULE 6: When shopping, purchase classic pieces first. This way you have a good basis for your wardrobe. These pieces should fit you well and become staples to base outfits off of. Trendy pieces should be kept to a minimum each season, because they easily go out of fashion. Buy only a few that you really love. Not only will this keep your closet from getting crowded it will help save your money.
RULE 7: Remember that even on a budget you can look good. These days you can buy clothes everywhere. Shop in your price range and know what looks good on your body and suits you.
RULE 8: Dress your age. This is a very common advice. 50-year old women do not need to be wearing a halter tops and mini skirts. Likewise 20-year-old women do not need to be showing their mid-drift and ass cleavage. Part of dressing your age and being sexy is showing just a hint of skin. Trust of when i say its more appealing than seeing all of your supposed assets.
RULE 9: It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed. It is much better than showing up at an event and being the only person in jeans. If you walk into a room in a great dress and terrific shoes and everyone else is wearing jeans and a t-shirt don't even think twice about it. People are going to look at you and think wow she looks great. Just be comfortable in what you are wearing and enjoy it.
RULE 10 : Finally, when recieving a compliment say "Thank you". It is not stylish or attractive to say "this old thing?". Enjoy the compliment and even if you don't believe it saying thank you will make you feel better. After a time you will start to believe that you do look good. Its a great confidence building exercise.

mitchbodyglow says so~

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